Make it Easier for Customers to Pay You. You Get Paid Faster.
Better serve your customers’ payment preferences while accelerating your receivables and financial settlement with our ACH-Echeck Service.
With ACH-Echeck, you can receive payment on accounts over the web, telephone, back-o ce or via recurring payments inclusive of pre-arranged debits (PPD) and company-to-company debits (CCD), while eliminating paper-invoice processing, bank deposit preparation and manual handling of returns.
Our ACH-Echeck service is a comprehensive and flexible solution to meet your operating and technical needs. Contact us and we’ll help you to quickly get you on your way to getting paid faster.
Join our community and ensure your business is always informed and ready to thrive. Sign up now and be part of the future of payments!
Have questions or need assistance? Reach out to our team anytime
2024 Thoro Payments. All rights reserved.